Past Life Regression Therapy in Boise, ID

What is PLRT and how does it work?
PLRT is a safe and natural process where clients uncover past life experiences through gentle guidance. We begin with a guided relaxation, where the client enters an altered state of consciousness. We will move through your past lives, connecting with your soul/essence/wiser self, guides, and/or angels. Once you reach an alpha or theta brainwave state, your ability to become conscious of past-life memories that reside in the subconscious mind/soul engages. This state of mind opens communication channels between you and your spirit, guides, and angels, who support us understand the purposes of your life and in the healing process of your past-life and current-life trauma(s). I have found that people who are able to meditate somewhat successfully are the best candidates for PLRT. If you have difficulty meditating please let me know ahead of time so that we can discuss if PLRT is right for you.